Keyboard and Mouse working with Sonoma

person hand reaching body of water

One of the biggest disappointments of the last 15 months was with the introduction of MacOS Ventura, both my Apps (KeyPad and ScreenMirror) broke, badly…

I launched KeyPad over Christmas break 2019 and had dreams that the app is what everybody needs, and will be viral. Ah well, hasn’t happened yet. MacOS releases have continuously broken keypad (Catalina, Monterey, Ventura) keypad. It’s almost like every alternate release of MacOS breaks bluetooth…badly.

MacOS Sonoma fixes one of the three bugs in Ventura which made it impossible to use my apps. The key bug that affected me was that Ventura does not allow any app to emulate a bluetooth device. It will allow the creation of private 128 bit uuid’s but if you were to use a 16 bit UUID it does not work. I spent quite some time reporting this issue to Apple with no avail. I’m sure there are many other bluetooth app vendors that have faced this…and like me, have given up.

Well only one of the three bugs is fixed, and because of that fix KeyPad (and Screen Mirror) can now connect to a device over Bluetooth, and emulate a keyboard and mouse.

After a 15 month hiatus, I have started making updates to the apps. Let’s see how long this reprieve lasts.

KeyPad and Screen Mirror, will NEVER work on Ventura…with Sonoma…a new hope.
